Quality stamp
Tours and special events presented
by the Levkovitz family
Levtravel: introduced by the Levkovitz family
Invites you to make your dream a reality
With luxurious and exclusive holidays
With the highest standards of kashrut, and a warm family atmosphere
As always our tradition …
Ask those who have already participated!
Levtravel - Enchanting holidays in Israel and around the world
Presented by the Levkovitz family
You’re invited to come enjoy dream holidays in hotels which combine a perfection of luxury,
taste, and location!
The direct flight will guide you directly into the wings of imagination …
Highest Kashruth standards
Our exclusivity: We are in the kitchen together with a staff of Heaven-fearing Mashgichim. All stringencies are observed without compromise.
As has been passed down through tradition,
from father to son.
Family Atmosphere
Our emphasis is placed on the warm and uplifting atmosphere that accompanies the passengers
Through the whole trip. Our personalized service is done with a smile, for us,
He’s one child!
Top-level programs
Our vacations are known for their special day camps, fun activities, and programs around Clock, for the whole family and for all ages.
That every moment – is an experience to remember!
A spectacular culinary experience
The highlight of the holidays organized by the Levkovitz family is culinary extravagance
A higher level of meals was served during the trip.
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Our previous holidays
פסח 2017
Pesach 2017
Pesach 2016
The Dead Sea
Pesach 2016
The Dead Sea